MBChB501 Clinical Pharmacology
Year 5 and Year 6 Clinical Pharmacology
Module Coordinator Dr Catherine Han |
Module Administrator Teresa Timo |
Please be sure to read the Asynchronous Learning, Synchronous Learning and Prescribing Safety Assessment
sections (see below).
Introduction to Year 5 Clinical
Welcome to the
Clinical Pharmacology module of the MBChB 501 course.
This module
will build on your existing anatomy, physiology, genetics, and biochemistry
knowledge. This module is designed to teach you the principles of clinical
pharmacology and therapeutics that will underlie other aspects of your medical
education and future medical practice. Where we can, we will use specific
clinical examples and patient scenarios to help you understand these basic
principles. You should expect your learning from this module to integrate with
your learning from other modules.
I hope that this
module is informative, challenging and interesting.
Good luck with the year.
Catherine Han
Module Overview
The clinical
pharmacology module is taught by a series of lectures and eLearning resources.
The lectures provide
a structured introduction to the principles of clinical pharmacology and
application to therapeutics.
The eLearning
modules encourage students to reflect on the module content and apply
principles of good prescribing.
The Clinical
Pharmacology module consists of formal lectures, synchronous and asynchronous
learning activities. In view of possible last minute
change of venues and times, please refer to the MBChB Portal (http://medprog.fmhs.auckland.ac.nz/timetable/) for the latest timetable information.
Lectures will be
given in lecture theatre 505-011 unless you are informed otherwise.
The notes and
lecture slides provided cover key areas of interest as your lecturers see them, and guide you about the scope of what we expect you to
learn. However, this is a university-level course, therefore, for some topics
you will need to do your own reading outside of lectures and module resources.
If unsure about anything please do not hesitate to ask
your lecturers for help.
If you are given
reading material before any session or in this module manual, you are expected
to have read and considered this prior to attending.
Medicines You Should Know About
Practicing doctors
may prescribe from a large list of medicines in New Zealand. Typically, every doctor
will be familiar with several hundred medicines. Clinicians at FMHS have
compiled a list of medicines that they think all medical students should be
aware of. A shorter list has been identified that should be familiar to year 6
medical students who may be asked to initiate a prescription. These lists are
accessible on the MBChB Clinical Scenarios Medicines website.
The CP module will
introduce you to medicines from these lists. As you continue in your medical
training you will learn about a wider range of medicines. You are expected to be familiar with the mechanism of
action, primary indications and major adverse effects of all medicines that are
referred to in the CP module. This information will not necessarily be
discussed by your teachers or appear in the course materials. You
should learn to use online resources about medicines such as the New
Zealand Formulary (https://nzf.org.nz/)
to complement and integrate the materials used in the CP module (see MBChB Clinical Scenarios Medicines website for further links).
Clinical Pharmacology Formal Learning
In Year 5 students will be introduced to
a greater degree of complexity in the practice of prescribing, building upon
the knowledge and practical skills acquired in Phase 1 and Year 4.
Year 5 Clinical Pharmacology Formal Learning lectures reinforce
the need to approach patients as individuals when prescribing, focusing on
prescribing to three special populations: elderly, children, and pregnant
or lactating women. There will also be a lecture about Prescribing Skills
Assessment (PSA), which is a mandatory exam you will be sitting at the end of
Year 5 - see below for further information. We will go through some example
Clinical Pharmacology Synchronous Learning
Therapeutics is taught in the
Synchronous Learning in Medicine teaching in Year 5. (For further
information refer to Staff and Student Guide to Synchronous Learning in Year
After completing
Year 6, you should be able to formulate a basic management plan and identify
medicines (and non‐pharmacological approaches) that might be indicated
for each therapeutic problem.
Clinical Pharmacology Asynchronous Learning
National Prescribing Centre Learning Modules
Please read the
following instructions about the National Prescribing Centre modules. You are
expected to use these modules to help improve your prescribing knowledge and
skills. There are recommended modules for both Year 4 and Year 5 students. If
you are a Year 5 student and have not taken the Year 4 modules, then you are
strongly encouraged to do so.
Australian National Prescribing Service Modules
Medical Deans of Australia and New
Zealand Core Competencies
The core
competencies document is provided to help you understand the competencies
expected of medical students in the later stages of their training.
MDANZ 2020 May Core Competencies
Prescribing Skills Assessment 2024
- Years 5 and 6
The PSA is a
summative two-hour online test which students are required to undertake in Year
5. Any Year 5 cohort students who fail the PSA will be required to re-sit this
test in Year 6. There will be three opportunities for students to demonstrate
their prescribing competence (two attempts at the online PSA test and an oral
Students who fail
the PSA in Year 5 will be provided with support in Year 6 to improve their
prescribing competence prior to resitting the assessment.
All 6th year
students resitting the online PSA test must prepare themselves to be available
for an oral exam in case they do not pass the online test. The exact date
and time of the oral exam for each student will be communicated after the
online test.
Year 6 Students who
have not achieved a pass in time for the Year 6 Board of Examiners meeting in
November may be required to undertake a remediation period before graduation.
Prescribing Skills Assessment dates
for 2024
Wednesday 28th
August 2024, commencing at 8:30 am (resit test for year 6 students who failed
in 2023)
Wednesday 22nd
October 2023, commencing at 8:30 am (all 2024 year 5 students)
Activation of PSA Account
All 5th year students who are
required to take the PSA test have been registered on the PSA site. You must
activate your account using your UNIVERSITY EMAIL ADDRESS on the PSA website
BEFORE the PSA test.
What is the Prescribing Skills
The Prescribing
Skills Assessment (PSA) is a two-hour online test designed to assess
prescribing competence.
The PSA test is used in all UK medical schools, all NZ
medical schools and most Australian medical schools. The test you will sit was
developed for use in New Zealand and Australia. All medicines and doses that
might have been used in the test were checked by a large review group of
clinicians and clinical pharmacists from New Zealand and Australia to see that
they are consistent with both the New Zealand Formulary and the Australian
Medicines Handbook.
Because of the
Australasian nature of the test some medicines may not appear in University of
Auckland lists of medicines (e.g. https://medprog.fmhs.auckland.ac.nz/scenarios/index.php/medicine/index) but are described in the New Zealand
The review group
participated in an extensive standard setting procedure to establish the pass
mark for the test. The principle of the standard setting was based on the
expected percentage of borderline students who would be able to get the correct
answer. Each question was evaluated separately in order to
set the standard. The use of a common standard for all PSA tests in New Zealand
and Australia is important because of the ability of doctors to work in both
Students who have
taken this assessment in the past have commented very positively on its
usefulness. You will get the most out of the assessment if you prepare yourself
during the year by reading the following section on preparing for the test
and making sure you understand the practice questions.
The results of the
test will provide you with an individualised indication of your preparedness to
prescribe safely and highlight any areas that you need to address in Year 6 in order to feel confident to prescribe safely. It is
planned that you will be given further opportunities to demonstrate prescribing
competence during Year 6, and this, together with the PSA, aims to help you
prepare for independent prescribing in your PGY1 year.
order to take the test, you will need to be registered with the PSA. You
will need to activate your PSA account. Fifth year students will receive
an email reminder in the second semester asking you to do this when the PSA
site is ready for registration to start. Sixth year students will be
contacted in the first semester.
Once you have
activated your account you will be able to access more detailed information
about the PSA and be able to take the Practice Assessments. If you have
difficulty accessing the "Preparing for the PSA event" video, a
transcript of the information contained in the video will be available in the near future.
Please do not try to
activate your account before you have been notified by email. To activate your account go to the PSA
website and use your
University of Auckland email address. It is suggested that you use your University password to register on the PSA web site
so that you only have one password to remember. After you have
registered on the PSA site and if you forget your PSA password you
can request a password reset to be sent to your UoA
email address.
There is assistance
available via the PSA website. Alternatively, you can contact the local PSA
academic lead.
You must use the Australasian PSA
website link. Do not
try to use www.prescribingsafetyassessment.ac.uk which is for UK students.
Why do the Prescribing Skills Assessment?
PSA Test Format
The PSA is an
on-line exam lasting two hours. The exam is divided into 8 stations and
each station contains 6-8 questions. The competencies tested include
writing new prescriptions, reviewing existing prescriptions, calculating drug
doses, identifying and avoiding both adverse drug
reactions and medication errors and amending prescribing to suit individual
patient circumstances.
Note that you will
need to learn to use the New Zealand Formulary (NZF). The NZF will be available for
consultation during the PSA test. You should practice using the NZF so that you
can quickly find information about specific medicines, adverse effects, diseases and treatment options. This will help you both in
your clinical training and in taking the PSA test.
It is the only
on-line resource you are allowed to access during the test. You are allowed to
use links that exist in the NZF but attempts to look at other resources during
the test is considered cheating.
Preparing for the Test
Knowing your email address and PSA
password is especially important on the day you take the test. You are
responsible for knowing these in order to login. You
will not be given extra time to find these details if you are unable to provide
the email address and password that was used to activate your account.
Once you have activated your account you will have access
to practice exams and eLearning modules. You are strongly recommended to
utilise these well in advance to help you prepare for the PSA test.
Your clinical teachers are those primarily responsible for
teaching you prescribing skills (as they are for other clinical skills).
You can also prepare for the test by:
1. reviewing your Formal Learning in clinical pharmacology
2. using eLearning modules on PSA webpage (University of
Auckland pays for the subscription therefore you have access) � these modules
are highly relevant to the PSA exam.
3. participating in the Asynchronous Learning
(the NPC online modules)
4. engaging in prescribing during your clinical
You can also try the following
for the PSA (unofficial site designed by a UK medical school)
Question Browser (payment for access)
(payment for access)
�Pass the PSA� is an unofficial textbook for PSA which has useful information
and practice questions. You can purchase on Amazon as hardcopy or electronic