$PROBLEM BEKA two compartment model with bolus, zero-order and first-order input $MODEL COMP=(AMTC) ; central COMP=(AMTT) ; tissue COMP=(AMTB) ; burette $PSI cl vc clic vt ; PK parameters $PK bolus=10 ; 10 mg bolus dose into central compartment infrate=1 ; 1 mg/min infusion into burette burdose=40 ; 40 mg bolus dose into burette burvol=0.1 ; 0.1 L burette volume burflow=0.01 ; 0.01 L/min burette flow tk0=30 ; 30 min infusion from burette $ODE AMTC_0 = bolus AMTT_0 = 0 AMTB_0 = infrate/burflow*burvol+burdose CC=AMTC/vc CT=AMTT/vt CB=AMTB/burvol if (t